Back in Cebu: Moving In

Helping my friend move in to a new place

Have you ever had friends whom you have not talked to for a long period of time? But when you got the chance to finally meet and talk again, it felt like everything is all the same and familiar? Like all you have to do is update each other and pick up from where you guys left off?

This is exactly what it was with Karla!

Karla and me corporate-whoring days.

Karla has been one of my close friends since 2014 when we were in our corporate-whore era! She’s one of the two girlfriends I have closely bonded with. The other one is already in Germany doing German stuff and handling German things. Karla and I used to do a lot of things together. We would go out of town together with the rest of our friends at work. We would drink coffee, have dinner, eat dessert, go party, and talk about god knows what. We were always together until she moved to a different line of business in the office. But even then, we kept in touch and update each other on what was happening to both of us, especially through the good and the bad times.

Fast forward to today, passed the pandemic and all the shitstorm life has given us so far, Karla remained a true, good, loving, and aryat friend.

And she’s moving into a new place right when I visited Cebu — great timing! So I stayed with her for a couple of days before she moved in.

Of course, the first thing we did was chika all night and day. She left the corporate world and had gone freelance a long time ago. We’re both freelancers now, but she’s more stable than I am. Well, I have just been back in the game, hunting jobs for real so I’m giving myself a break at this point lol.

Her place is just around Cebu Business Park. It’s very accessible to everything. This area is the most ideal place to live in because everything is just within reach. You can walk or commute easily, or jog and exercise if you want to. The only cons in living here — and anywhere in Cebu, actually — is the traffic. Cars tend to get stuck in the area for a while during peak hours and seasons. Otherwise, it’s a really good place. I used to live just along Gorordo Avenue for a long time, and I never changed address until I went home for good.

Well, we did get out of her condo for a bit to get something to eat, buy stuff for her room, and drink coffee while waiting for our other close friend, Ly. One time we grabbed Jafar’s for lunch after Karla bought screwdrivers so we could finish setting up her new office table and chair.

I’ve never had Jafar’s shawarma for a long time. It’s good, but I couldn’t remember craving it. It’s just saks. The ladies had burritos and had a hard time finishing it. Girls be like super hungry but don’t finish their food ~ kidding.

My favorite time of the day is COFEE TIME! Karla made me try these drip coffee from Manila given by her workmate. And this is by far one of the best coffee I’ve ever had. My coffee is always black, but sometimes I like to add sugar to it so it’s bittersweet. But this one, I didn’t have to add anything. It’s as good as it was.

I needed coffee because Karla, being the girl boss that she was, made me write so many meta descriptions, and also because the coffee is so good it’s a sin not to drink a cup. ☕️ 😂

Are you also a coffee person? What is your favorite coffee ground and where do I get them? Let me know!

When Karla finally moved all her things from her previous unit in Persimmon (which I helped lift things lol), her girlfriends had a pajama party and rosè.

Ate a few slices of pizza when I arrived at the condo. I came very hungry from a two-hour commute!

L-R: Karla, Ping, Me, Jai

We capped the night with 24 Chicken, pizza, rosè, and a lot of chika! I just hope I have helped Karla moved in to her new place seamlessly. 😂😅

It’s very inspiring to be surrounded by powerful women. I have always been surrounded by women who have authority in their respective fields. It is also empowering other women who are continuously being encapsulated with gender roles, abuses, and indifference just because they are women.

It’s already 2023, but the amount of prejudices, hate, and abuses is still rampant in today’s society. We should be able to turn it around and change the culture. Women are power!


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